The key features of the pressurised rover will include life support systems for extended missions. (Photo: Nasa)

Japan's Toyota to develop special car for astronauts to travel on the Moon

Unlike previous moon buggies, this mobile habitat and laboratory will allow astronauts to travel greater distances across the lunar surface.

by · India Today

In Short

  • This innovation will enable crews to conduct more comprehensive scientific research
  • Astronauts will be able to venture far beyond their landing sites
  • They can potentially explore regions of the Moon that have never been studied up close

Japan has announced its decision to design, develop, and operate a pressurised rover for Nasa's Artemis program on the Moon.

This advanced vehicle will play a crucial role in both crewed and uncrewed lunar exploration, beginning with the Artemis VII mission.

The pressurised rover represents a major leap forward in lunar exploration capabilities.

The development of the pressurised rover aligns with Artemis' goals. (Photo: Nasa)

Unlike previous moon buggies, this mobile habitat and laboratory will allow astronauts to travel greater distances across the lunar surface while providing a protected environment for extended stays. This innovation will enable crews to conduct more comprehensive scientific research in diverse geographical areas of the Moon.

The key features of the pressurised rover will include life support systems for extended missions, scientific equipment for on-site analysis, radiation shielding for crew protection, airlock for easy access to the lunar surface.

The vehicle's ability to function as both a transportation method and a temporary living space will significantly expand the scope of lunar exploration. Astronauts will be able to venture far beyond their landing sites, potentially exploring regions of the Moon that have never been studied up close.

This collaboration between NASA and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) adds to the international nature of the Artemis program.

The pressurised rover represents a major leap forward in lunar exploration. (Photo: Nasa)

By leveraging Japan's expertise in automotive and space technologies, the mission aims to accelerate scientific discoveries and pave the way for sustainable lunar presence.

The development of the pressurised rover aligns with Artemis' goals of establishing a long-term human presence on the Moon and preparing for future missions to Mars.

As the project progresses, it is expected to drive innovations in life support systems, power generation, and autonomous vehicle technologies that could have applications both in space and on Earth.